Asbestos Skip Bins Brisbane
At Asbestos Skip Bins Brisbane, we are often asked to supply bins to remove asbestos safely. In the past, this has not been a service we provided. As a result of ongoing requests, we have decided to partner with Multi Enterprises.
Multi Enterprises have over 30 years of experience in skip bins. They specialise in supplying skips for the transport of asbestos. Their license allows them to transport contaminated and regulated wastes also. By arrangement, they will deliver seven days a week.
Call (07) 3821 6400 to book an asbestos bin in the Greater Brisbane Region.

The Do’s & Don’ts when Hiring an Asbestos Skip Bin.
What you CAN put in:
- Asbestos products & materials, i.e. fibro roofing & sheeting,
- Waste contaminated with Asbestos -contaminated waste ONLY
What you CAN NOT put in the Bin
- NO other general/non-connected waste.
- There is a particular cell for asbestos waste at the disposal facility.
- Extra materials may increase the disposal cost (which is recoverable from the Hirer).
The other stuff
- Asbestos skip hire is up to 7 days or can be earlier if requested.
- A 200um plastic liner is included in the price.
- The driver will double line the skip bin on delivery. Allowing enough liner overhang to enclose the Asbestos within the skip completely.
- The Hirer must close & seal the plastic liner using duct tape to make a robust airtight package.
- Asbestos removal is a regulated waste. All skips removed from the site will have a waste tracking certificate supplied. The form includes the Hirer’s details, where it came from and the disposal details.
If in any doubt, please feel free to call us, and we will be happy to provide help.

For more information CALL 3821 3200 or email us at [email protected]
There is a lot of information relating to asbestos. We put together this brief overview to help you with your project. With our contacts, we can recommend a reputable and licenced asbestos removalist. They will professionally remove the asbestos from your property. They’ll load the skip and complete the paperwork on your behalf.
What is asbestos, and where is it found?
Asbestos is found in mineral rock and is made of thin fibres that are invisible to the unaided eye.
Why was asbestos used?
Asbestos provided a range of benefits like no other single product.
• Strength
• Weight
• Fire resistance
• Insulation
There are two primary forms of asbestos: Friable and Non-Friable.
Non-friable – Bonded in a matrix with other materials within a product. Such as cement, vinyl or other materials used in household products. Especially in older houses. In this form, it is non-friable – less likely to break into pieces.
Friable – Unbonded products are those which can be, broken under hand pressure—releasing fibres. The material was used as lagging or insulation. In this form, it is friable and can give off dust. Even bonded asbestos can release fibres as it ages. In particular, those areas exposed to weathered can degrade.
Even bonded asbestos can release fibres as it ages. In particular, those areas exposed to weathered can degrade.
Asbestos was used in many products, such as:
• Asbestos cement sheeting is also known as fibro. Super six or super eight) in fencing, roof sheets, ceilings and walls.
• External guttering and downpipe and vent pipes
• Backing to electrical switchboards in a black product known as zelemite
• Vinyl sheeting and vinyl tiles used as flooring
• Insulations to heater banks, air conditioning ducting and pipes
• Gaskets to pipes and pipe joins
• Certain paints will contain asbestos fibres, such as Galbestos.
• Mastics and glues behind wall tiles and vinyl
• Waterproofing in windows
• Roof tiles
Asbestos Skip Bins Brisbane – we continue to look for new and innovative ways to service our customers by developing, and introducing services to meet our growing market.
Where Else Can Asbestos be Identified?
It pays to be safe when handling asbestos materials. With the rise of DIY renovations, there is a need for more education on the topic. For many years asbestos was in a wide range of products. Most people were aware of it in housing as walls, sheets and roofing. Even a brick veneer house may have asbestos sheets found in the soffit or wet areas such as the bathrooms or kitchen areas. Asbestos materials were also used in pool linings and the backing of Linoleum. It was used in insulating electrical components and pipework. Loose-fill materials used in roof insulation also contained asbestos. So once again, the moral is ‘Be wise, Be Safe & Test. Better to assume it is than run the risk.
If you are not sure about what might be or might not be asbestos have a look at Pictures – Google search
There are numerous websites that provide information on asbestos and asbestos-related issues.